DryNites Pyjama Pants for girls and boys

Get your FREE sample*

Fill in the form below to receive your sample and a voucher for a free pack of DryNites® Pyjama Pants.

*Maximum of 1 Free DryNites Sample pack can be claimed per household.




What sample would you like us to send you?

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Looking for additional support?We've got tons of tricks and tips that can help you and your child manage their bedwetting phase.

Yes, I’d like to opt-in for support on night-time accidents and bedwetting from DryNites. Kimberly-Clark will handle my personal information in accordance with its Privacy Policy  I may unsubscribe at any time.




How can we support you?

Choose a statement to help us share information that best suits you.

How do I transition from dry days to dry nights?
I’d like to understand more about bedwetting
I’d like to know more about bedwetting and its causes
I’d like practical tips on how to deal with my child’s bedwetting
I’d like advice supporting my child through bedwetting
I’d like practical tips on how to deal with my child’s bedwetting
I’d like support to help me and my child through their bedwetting
I’d like advice on bedwetting as my child gets older
I’d like advice on bedwetting as my child gets older




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Where can we can send you a confirmation?

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